Last Weekend we were participating in the Helvetia H26 HF contest in MO SSB category with our Contestcall HB2T.
Everything was ready on time so we could start at 15:00 HB-Time. On Saturday the conditions were actually not too bad except on 15m and 10m. As we saw in the analysis after the contest, there was an opening on Saturday evening to south america and on 15m to north america which we both missed, since we were busy on the lowbands where the rates and QSO points were less. This resulted in a lost of many dx points and country multis on the topbands…
During the night 20m and 40m was open towards north america. Our Stack on 20m did a fine job and so the two element yagi on 40m.
On Sunday not only the weather was bad, also the conditions on 10m and 15m were gone at all. Just a few dx could be logged on 10m but that’s all. The rates were really bad and the chance to improve our old scores was far far away – here the result:
160 0 43 17 10 45 1.05
80 0 100 23 22 104 1.04
40 0 302 25 40 328 1.09
20 0 331 20 48 695 2.10
15 0 140 18 31 284 2.03
10 0 31 12 9 45 1.45
TOTAL 0 947 115 160 1501 1.59
FINAL SCORE: 412 775
Luckely Murphys stayed at home and the equipment survived the 24 hours. 🙂
Congratulations to HB9Z, it seems you won it this year 🙂
73’s de HB9EE