Since some last minute antenna fixes had to be done, a short sleep was required which resulted in a delayed start. This year we changed our strategy which worked out a big improvement in relation to the 2010’s CQWW WPX SSB. This year we finished with a precomputed score of 4’092’082 points and 2024 QSO’s!! Last year we reached a score of about 900’000 points. But we are still far away from being perfect in case of equipment or operating. Unfortunately the CQWW WPX website doesn’t provide precomputed scores, so we are not sure about our rank but as it seems that we are in a good position.
Log analysations will be provided soon.
Category: Multi-One
Operators: HB9ELV, HB9EPW, HB9EMP
Equipment: Yaesu FT-2000D TRX, LV6 Amplifier
3 Element (10m-15m-20m) Mosley Beam at 10 meters, 2×42 meter dipole at 30 meters, 26 meter vertical for 160m, Beverage antennas
In general we are satisfied with our result and we are looking forward to the next contest which will be the H26 during Easter. We also appreciate the positive international feedback.
PS: We are sorry about the live stream time outs! We had some general internet problems during the contest.
You state “Unfortunately the CQWW WPX website doesn’t provide precomputed scores, so we are not sure about our rank but as it seems that we are in a good position.”
After a contest, many ops declares the scores on this reflector: http://lists.contesting.com/pipermail/3830/
I was operating on 15m only from as guest op from HB9Q-HB9QT shack in Kt AG. and made almost 1500 qso. Conditions on 15m were finally great after long-time of silence (especially in Kt. TI) with openings until late evening.
I congratulates for the activity and the station on continuous construction as I can see from you webpage. I feel the willingness to improve each contest. Keep up the good work.
vy 73
Andrea HB9DUR